"haik?(shocking) kau ke ni?haha comel tp pelik sebenarnya" Then....

lmao!i quickly look at the guys which is actually my friends(but not really la,kira kawan baru) frm next class. & i said to them "haha biar la.jealous la tuu" <: woaaah never expected tht people might blur see-ing i'm cycling to school.Okey la lets forget about it!
My Earthling,so today i'm having my phy,chemist & additional math test paper-result.the results is good so far,but my ++Math ws fooorgh!
have a mercy!!! Gahh i just gt twenty plus plus something.When teacher sufiah did some playback on our test paper,i just realised tht "i am careless" even she's also saying tht to me. i've forgot how to put the positive & negative thaaang,eventhough my answers ws actually right.Just part of it,i'm fucking stupid did nt know how to do.So the moral of the day is think of your studies and do well in your exam
I like seeing beautiful pictures in flickr